Project done for a course called "Visiting Designers" - It's a culture magazine that's supposed to cover all angles of culture from punk rock, to easy listening, to r & b. The cover is supposed to be a teaser for the magazine's launch party and make everyone desperately want to read it.
The real fucking question is:
what are you thinking about?
Because sometimes i wonder if we’re thinking about the right things.
No - not that kind of you shouldnt be thinking about naughty things!
doctrine - thinking about sex and
really fucked up shit s is completely fucking naturally human.
i’m wondering about the
non-natural thinking though
the thinking that’s outside of. because i have a theory that if you haven’t said or thought johnny depp at all and stayed inside a bomb shelter for the past i don’t know six the first bombs hit poor innocent japan - i have a theory that coming out of the bomb shelter i’d instantly be hearing you shoving together the syllables like a fucking zombie joh-nny-fuck-ing-depp-awe-some. no really some really old people might not know who johnny depp. now steve mcqueen there’s an actor. back to my point! im sure if you haven’t said it or thought it for yourself yet- someone in your vicinity said it, or maybe you opened the paper to the whatever page and there is his name, than you text a friend and they tell you about alice in wonderland - johnny depps in it? That thinking which is forced upon us day in day out is not natural thinking!!! its what outside forces have made you think about - your environment, your social circle, your outside culture. I’ll try and cut this short - i’d much be rather thinking about artists and what they have to say - and their stories. why is music and movies the only art form - everybody enjoys on a collective scale? Why don’t we hear about every fuckign where we go - more about poets and writers and visual artists and maybe even graphic designers who flipped off coca cola and pepsi both in the same day decided to flood the culture with poetry he was up stoned all night reading.
I can admit we’ve made some progress with the sudden book-pop-culture, and hey everyone knows stephen king - and well thats cause the movies. but i don’t remember ever in the mainstream a following of book and movie series until recently. is this a new step? a step forward? Is this Peter Jackson’s fault? I like to think yes, yes and yes, maybe soon there will be cult followings of books without the movie combo on a so called mainstream scale to the point kids are lining up in toronto from all over the fucking world for the one big gala event where douglas coupland comes out for a signing and speaking venue ie spoken word gig for the release of his next book - generation whatever about how us - you - and - me were the generation that changed things.
yea .. itd probably be taken over by commercialism and thought enforcement - like like tim burton on johnny depp in a hollywood orgy.
but yea - could we be the generation that changed things? I like that!
instead of being told - we will like these movies and we will enjoy this music. and yes we have a variety - and if you do the math like -
6 different options of 6 different options - you have 36 different types of individuals you could be in this society and still look like individuals when seen in crowds
my facebook is pimped out with my favorite shit - like david bazan@ and 7-seconds% and fuck the facts# and the refused^ - and maybe ill be a little angsty. man - fuck greenday. - what if we turned off the television, stopped going to the movies, stopped all that shit and started just hanging out with each other. What if we everyone in this room***** right fucking now threw down - and played the biggest fuckign match of dungeons and dragons IN RECORDED HISTORY, ** or made a band together that was going to sound galactic****, or made a skate crew and filmed it on vhs* and made copies for all your friends, what if you organized shows in your shitty 500 dollar-right-to-exist-comfortably apartment and gave all the door money to the homeless, what if you took your grandpa mountain climbing in norway, created a zine that only you and 12 friends understood - and you called it inside joke, what if you went and vandalized government property. what if you joined fucking boy scouts to help teach children how awesome it is to live in the woods and skin a fucking rabbit, while simultaneously weeding out the entire sqaudron of other scout leaders, hunting down the pedophiles so you could take an axe an chop them into little tiny pieces and have an art attack? what if you and your friends took up QUILTING? *** what if you played basketball from right after school till your tired fucking arms fall off and you pass out in a huff? what if what if what if what if what if- i dont know. you have the ideas youre the ones, youre generation that will change the entire fucking world - right fucking upside down, left - right what the fuck if ever man? what if? what if? what if? what if you stopped thinking of johnny fuckign depp?
homework: the next time you happen to see johnny depp - think about johnny depp - fantasize about johnny depp - whisper his name quietly as you gently cum - next time you hear about him - think about this article - remember youre the generation that will change the world - why because we already have - its already happened
**now the edition war debate could follow thereafter ***This would be pretty fucking hipster, it could catch on
*broken bones BITCH ****planet uranus BITCH *****if youre not in a room where the fuck are you? how am i talking to you?
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