Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dragging the body that is my only real hobby

I'm not a person who sticks to plans or can make regular appointments with people other than doctors and scheduled classes. This sucks when it comes to trying to apply one's self to role playing.

What got me into D&D is whatever got me into fantasy.

People who get into smoking after quitting usually pick up a drag here and there, then they're having the occasional cigarette to themselves - next they're buying a small pack and are back to smoking by a weeks end.

Same can be said with my interests in fantasy. I wasn't into it for the longest time than suddenly it's all I ever do.

It started out very robin hood for me. In early high school I wrote stories of the lone warrior rising up against a tyrant. I wrote a good novel and half with the classic cliche of a real world being sucked into some fantastical parallel dimension. I didn't know but I was throwing in the cliched magical mentor stereotype. I was probably following sword-in-the-stone patterns mind you rather than Lord Of The Rings.

By the end of high school, I had done a successful book report on the Hobbit, the movies were coming out and I was chewing on the written trilogy. Friends who had a family-thing going of reading all of the Wheel of Time, pulled me into the series.

Now I have a shelf filled with Conan and other thin pulp styled paperbacks ranging from mostly seventies to the eighties. I'm trying to get through the Wheel of Time for the second time before starting the final few books. I have read the Silmarillion twice now I think.

There's an active community of fantasy lovers around me in my area - but still haven't grabbed up an active game.

I had a good two hourish session I was planning on dropping in - but now I have class this semester. I was playing 4th, a Dragonborn Cleric.

I would love to hook up some first edition, the books are so compelling.

But then the body that is my hobby continues to drag across the ground.

This is the woe of many a gamer, not having a consistent campaign. While others boast twenty - thirty years of game.

Oh bother.

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